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Eat THIS With FloraThin To DOUBLE Your Fat Burning

Hey, it’s Dr. Rosenberg - congratulations again on grabbing FloraThin!

You’re seconds away from finalizing your order.

But before you do…

How Would You Like To DOUBLE Your Weight Loss Results?

It works especially well if you have a bit of a sweet tooth (like I do!).

What I’m about to share is clinically-proven to crush cravings, torch belly fat, and tighten your waistline. 

Without a diet, exercise, or restrictive rules.

See… you already know that my medical research team at SunCoast is known for staying up on the latest science. 

And not too long ago, we made an astonishing discovery.


The Wall Street Journal crowned it an all-natural, powerful alternative to the biggest weight loss craze of the year. 

And the world-renowned Salk Institute… just blocks from our San Diego office…

Went on record to call it a “magic bullet” for rapid fat loss.1

What is it? Well…

Your Body Has 30-40 Trillion Cells… Here’s How To Get Every Single One Burning Fat Faster Than Ever!

FloraThin rids you of Western Gut, bringing your body’s metabolism back to life. 

As a result, you slim down faster than you thought possible. 

Now what if I told you we’ve uncovered an add-on that practically doubles how fast your metabolism is running?

Because while your metabolic engine starts in your gut…

…most metabolic activity happens in the 30-40 trillion cells in your body.

You see…

Your Cells Have Little “Engines” In Them

…and the accelerator for those engines is a little enzyme called AMPK.

Think of AMPK as the “gas pedal” for your metabolism.

When you eat a meal - whether it’s a delicious brownie, tasty lasagna, or slice of toasted sourdough bread… 

AMPK controls whether your cells rev up their engines, and burn that food for energy

…or whether they take their foot off the gas, so you store it as fat.

So again, if you love food but you hate the fat gain that comes with it… 

All you have to do is step on your AMPK “gas pedal.”

When you do that, it literally forces cells all over your body to burn more fat and carbs as energy.


How can I be so sure?

With the AMPK breakthrough I’m about to reveal to you…

  • - Study participants lost an average of 5 pounds and 3.6% body fat WITHOUT diet and exercise…

  • - Study participants had a 5.34% reduction in waistlines without eating less or jumping up and down in front of the TV each morning…

  • - Study participants’ cravings were crushed… leading to a 25% drop in the amount of calories consumed…

  • - Study participants’ BMI dropped from 31.5 to 27.4, and they lost significant amounts of belly fat… 

Combine it with FloraThin, and there’s no telling how fast you’ll burn pound after pound of stubborn fat.

Which makes the bottom line a simple one: 

If you’d like to step on your AMPK “gas pedal” and DOUBLE your fat burning transformation… 

Today you can without risking a dime. 




AMPAlive is our advanced, all-in-one formula to rev your AMPK into high speed.

boosting your cellular metabolism, torching your fat, and delivering smooth, all-day energy.

We specifically designed it to limit the harmful metabolic effects of sugar and carbs…

Just two little capsules of AMPAlive, before your meals, to kick your metabolism into hyperspeed.

Put together with FloraThin, and you have the perfect one-two punch to KO stubborn fat in record time.

That’s Because Once You Activate Your AMPK With Our Advanced Formula, Three Things Happen:

1 - Your carb cravings practically vanish.


No more summoning every ounce of willpower just to avoid snacking during the day. 

And zero guilt if you do munch on a little something. That’s because…

2 - AMPAlive then “smooths out” your sugar metabolism


Its ingredients are clinically shown to help you “drip” sugar into your bloodstream, rather than dump it in all at once…

…so you get smoother energy, and less fat storage.

Yes, even if you’re sitting on the couch! And…

3 - It demands more energy from your body!


When you press on your car’s gas pedal, you burn more gas, right?

Well, that’s exactly how AMPK works… 

It starts by burning through the carbs you eat…

Then it rips through your fat stores for energy

So your entire body automatically burns more calories as fuel.

Nearly every day, I wake up to a new success story like these:


"I love AmpAlive! My digestion is so much better and I have lost 33 lbs. I have more energy & I'm happier. I love it! Thanks!"


Diane V.
verifiedVerified Buyer


"Ampalive : one of many sun coast sciences products i take daily. I've lost 15 pounds of stubborn fat over the last eight weeks. Great customer service along with great products!"


Shane W.
verifiedVerified Buyer


"In little more than three months, I have lost 24 pounds, and I am delighted. I have cut back to one capsule every other day, and my energy level is great and I am still losing a bit each day.“


Pam S.
verifiedVerified Buyer

Our Formula’s Cornerstone Ingredient Is A Potent Plant Extract Called Berberine

Berberine comes from a plant native to the lush forests of Asia.

In multiple double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, Berberine was proven to help people activate their AMPK…

Even people who weren’t dieting or exercising.

In one 12-week study, overweight men and women were given 500 mg of berberine 3 times a day... 

They lost an average of 5 pounds, and 3.6% of their body fat.[1]

For a natural ingredient, results like those are unheard of. 

Again, that’s without diet or exercise.


This is why the prestigious Natural Medicine Journal had this to say:

“One way to appreciate berberine's potential is to think of it as having the same effect on a patient as increasing exercise, while at the same time restricting calorie intake.”2

Did you catch that?

It has the same effect as exercise without backbreaking workouts!

Which is why AMPAlive contains a clinically-studied dose of Berberine, to help you rev up your metabolism…

So you burn fat for energy all day long.

And please understand - this isn’t some sort of jittery metabolism booster.

Berberine causes your cells to burn more food and fat as fuel, just like an Olympic gymnast.


So it’s natural, it’s clean, and it actually works.

Then, we added two more ingredients - the first is called Gymnema Sylvestre, and this one is amazing.

It’s found in remote, tropical regions of Africa.

To Your Body, Gymnema “Looks” Like Sugar

So it “binds” to the sugar receptors in your digestive tract…

Causing the real sugar in your diet to slide right through you.

Yes - imagine eating cookies, pizza, and ice cream… 

While your gut literally ignores the sugar calories that make it all taste so good!


That’s really helpful for your body because it’ll be looking for other sources of energy…

So it’ll target your stored fat, instead.

In one recent, twelve-week study, overweight people who took Gymnema lost an average of 7.49 pounds![3] 

(And the “placebo group” who didn’t take the Gymnema gained about 3 extra pounds over that same twelve weeks.)

If you love sugar, then Gymnema is a great way for you to enjoy it with a little less guilt.

That’s right: enjoy that extra slice of chocolate cake…

Doctor’s orders!

Stop there and I’m convinced you’d be set.

But Now, Let’s Talk About Cravings

With your gut in working order from FloraThin, your cravings plummet.

But there’s still that pesky brain of yours.

When it’s working hard, it craves sugar (I’m sure you’ve noticed, especially when you’re stressed).


That’s why I love Chromium Picolinate. It helps “turn down the volume” on the cravings from your brain…

…and wow is it effective!

In one 8-week study, Chromium Picolinate lowered food intake and crushed the cravings and hunger pangs in overweight women.4

Another study showed that it reduced carb intake by a full 25%.5

Think about that - eating 25% fewer carbs, without any superhuman willpower…

That adds up to an astounding amount of calories that won’t reach your waistline

…and it means that once again, your AMPK will have to burn more of your fat for fuel.


This is a maximum strength formula, and every ingredient has been clinically tested to be safe, and effective.

I’ve worked with so many women on their metabolic health, and the fact is, it starts with your AMPK.

Maybe you’re starting to see why…

AMPAlive Is Like a “Cheat Code” For Weight Loss

With FloraThin, you’re already cranking up the dial on your metabolism…

… when you add AMPAlive to the mix, a whole world of possibilities open up for you.


The fat just falls off your belly with no additional effort. 

I’ve worked with so many patients who’ve struggled with their weight… their energy… their digestion…

…they’ve tried so many things, but they’ve never combined FloraThin with AMPAlive.

And when they do… wow!

In my family, we all take it daily - you can take two capsules before your first two meals of the day… or even two capsules before every meal of the day if you really want to supercharge your AMPK.

We’d like you to join us. 

Now, we sell AMPAlive at the regular price of $59.95 a bottle on our site. 

But today, since you've proven you’re serious about your health, and the way your body looks and feels… 

I’d like you to try AMPAlive at just $49 for a single bottle…

That’s a 18% savings…

Or if you want to get a really big discount, you can try three or six bottles - we’ll also include FREE US SHIPPING with those packages.

So if you take the six-bottle option, it comes out to only $33 a bottle.

That’s a little over a dollar a day - a no-brainer in my book. 

Naturally, most people take the three or six-bottle options when they’re giving it a try.

And once they feel and see the AMPALive difference… 

They almost always come back to buy more.

Just Like With Florathin, Your AMPAlive Order Is Covered By My 365-Day Money Back Guarantee

You can go through all six bottles and still ask for a refund!

So I really hope you’ll do what me, my family, and thousands of my clients are doing with every meal… and try AMPAlive today.

You’ll get fast shipping, so you can start taking it in just a few short days from now.

And you can start it alongside your FloraThin for the absolute fastest fat loss. 

So I really hope you’ll add it to your purchase today…

…and one final thing - please remember that this pricing is not for the general public.

If you leave this page and you want to buy it again, the regular price is $59.95 a bottle.

This special pricing is a one-time welcome bonus to you for joining us with FloraThin today…

…and if you do take me up on it, and you love it, then you can lock in these prices for life.

So please, go ahead and pick the package that’s right for you - I really can’t wait to hear what this awesome metabolic activator does for you!

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"I have really noticed how much AmpAlive has helped me with my daily energy levels and appetite suppression. I have also lost 8 lbs over the past 6 weeks while taking it along with the other Sun Coast supplements for weight loss. I can really notice when I forget to take it, I now set it out every morning to make sure I included it daily in my vitamin and supplement routine. Cant go a day without this supplement - great product. I highly recommend it!”


Taunya B.
verifiedVerified Buyer


"This really does work! Your body will take some time to adjust to it what I love about it is you don’t feel jittery or highly caffeinated or amped up. It is a genuine calming feeling. You will start losing weight in areas you may have had trouble in. I purchased three bottles and I am on my second. I see an improvement in my body especially when I combine it with my workout regiment.”


Ozzie G.
verifiedVerified Buyer


"I reviewed AMPalive several months ago when I was overeating quite a bit during COVID lockdown at it's worst. Even then I was amazed that at least I wasn't packing on the pounds like I should have been based on how I was eating. Now I am back to eating healthy the weight really dropped down. I took 10 pounds off within a month. Yes, I'm eating healthy, but I eat quite a bit and still lost weight. So...I will keep taking it."


Abagail Z.
verifiedVerified Buyer

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1 Daniel Garcia, Kristina Hellberg, Amandine Chaix, Martina Wallace, Sébastien Herzig, Mehmet G. Badur, Terry Lin, Maxim N. Shokhirev, Antonio F.M. Pinto, Debbie S. Ross, Alan Saghatelian, Satchidananda Panda, Lukas E. Dow, Christian M. Metallo, Reuben J. Shaw. Genetic Liver-Specific AMPK Activation Protects against Diet-Induced Obesity and NAFLD. Cell Reports, 2019; 26 (1): 192 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.036