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Hi, it’s Dr. Rosenberg again, and I’m so excited that you made the smart decision today to say “Yes” to FloraThin. 

You didn’t just invest in a probiotic, you made a huge investment in yourself and your future. 

And I can’t wait to hear about your personal transformation once you start using FloraThin. And I mean that too. 

I really do want you to email me once you’ve been using FloraThin for a few weeks, and start feeling and seeing the difference.

Because I love hearing from real people like you…

People who use FloraThin and start seeing their bodies transform… their digestion get so much more regular and comfortable… eating what they love without worry or guilt…

Now, you’ll be taken to your order confirmation page in just a moment… 

However, before that happens…


I Need To Warn You About Something, And It’s Related To FloraThin

So it’s very important that you pay close attention right now… 

Because this is something that could be the difference between amazing results… where you truly can’t believe what a new person you are…


And just decent results, where you look and feel a little better than you did before… 

But it’s nowhere near as dramatic as it will be if you get this next part right. 

Now, don’t get me wrong… 

This warning has nothing to do with FloraThin being dangerous or harmful to your health in any way. 

So you don’t need to worry about that. 

Instead, this warning relates to

How To Use FloraThin Each And Every Day For The Total Freedom

As you just learned, the blend of scientifically studied bacteria in FloraThin works to reverse the damage of western gut…

…which is the real root cause behind weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, dull skin, low energy, and so many other unwanted health conditions.


Unfortunately, other probiotics, and even medications, aren’t designed to fix this problem. 

At best, they may provide mild and temporary relief… 

But they don’t solve the real root cause of weight gain, poor digestion and low energy

So if you’ve ever been disappointed with the results you’ve got from other products… now you know why. 

But FloraThin was designed to attack Western Gut from every angle… shutting the door to all of its attack vectors, so…

You’ll Experience Real Relief… And Whole-Body Transformation

And not only that, all of these ingredients are 100% clinically studied. 

I believe God gave us these strains to help our guts flourish… to help our bodies thrive… so we can feel joy and happiness in our lives.

So these strains inside FloraThin get to work right from the first time you take it…


But virtually every study about these strains shows that if you use them for just a few weeks and then all of a sudden stop… you can expect your results to disappear. 

So these studies prove that the strains inside FloraThin really do work, but, these studies also reveal an important truth:

If You Want The Best Results From FloraThin. It’s Important You Take It Every Single Day…

Not just until you notice that your digestion is better, or you see some changes in the mirror.

What I’m saying is, once you’re at a place where you’re looking and feeling truly new again, it’s time to start looking at FloraThin like a maintenance supplement… something you take every single day to help you maintain the great results you’ve gotten


Similar to how someone might take a multivitamin everyday to maintain good health…

Because when you keep taking a multivitamin each day, then you keep getting all the nutritional benefits that it delivers. 

But if you stop taking that multivitamin, then you stop getting those benefits. 

But unlike multivitamins, which are really a dime a dozen these days, there’s nothing else that exists like FloraThin to keep your gut healthy and strong, and keep your metabolism and your digestion working like they should

…especially in the face of all the foods that you and I love so much.

FloraThin is your daily defense against all three gut disruptors… no matter what you eat…

But again, all the studies point to the fact that you need to keep taking these strains each day, so that you continue to reap all the benefits.

FloraThin = Freedom

Now, once I realized this, I knew I had to find a way to make FloraThin available -- and, more importantly, affordable -- for anyone out there who wants to permanently enjoy a healthier gut, and a leaner, more energized body.

And that’s why today, I have a special, one-time-only discount that keeps your new and improved gut safe from destruction, for less than you’ll ever see… even less than a multivitamin. 

And the reason for this amazing discount I’m about to give you on FloraThin, is because I know you’re going to want to take it every single day for years to come.


Especially once you experience how much better you’re looking…

How much smoother your digestion is… 

How much more energy you have…

Whether it’s when you’re out at the beach or the pool, wearing your swimsuit and feeling great about yourself… 

Getting compliments from your spouse, or a new love interest about how great you look

Feeling all of that amazing energy… that life force your body gets when your gut and your metabolism are finally working like they should be…

And I’m afraid that once this becomes your new reality…

It Could All Be Ripped Away From You

Particularly if you don’t already have a stockpile of FloraThin tucked away in your pantry or supplement cabinet, or wherever you end up keeping it. 

Now I’m not trying to scare you when I say “ripped away.”


It’s just that the strains in FloraThin are sourced from all over the world and often in short supply… 

So we’re often at the mercy of our suppliers and waiting for these strains to become available again before we can manufacture the next batch of FloraThin.

And because so many people are using FloraThin right now and loving the results, not only are they ordering more for themselves…

…but they’re also telling their friends about it… which means it’s been flying off the shelves faster than we can keep up

Now on one hand, that’s amazing… because it means FloraThin is changing a lot of lives, and I’m thrilled about that. 

But on the other hand, it’s also a little stressful, because I never know exactly when our next out-of-stock is going to happen. 

And when we do run out of stock again, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months to get more FloraThin manufactured.

That’s 2 To 4 Months That You Could Be Without FloraThin…

…and it’s just not something I want you to risk. 

Especially when you consider all those studies that show you only continue to get the benefits for as long as you’re using these potent strains

So it means that the longer you continue to take FloraThin, the better your results will be.


And the more time passes after you stop taking it, the more things will go back to how they were before

especially if you want to keep eating all of the foods you love so much.

And I’m pretty sure nobody wants to go back to a body that’s been held hostage by Western Gut…

Not after they’ve finally experienced the freedom of looking their best and feeling amazing, even while they eat whatever they want.

So let’s be honest: the reason you invested in FloraThin today is because you want something to change. 

So I’m sure the last thing you want is to experience that change in your health and quality of life you’ve been praying for, only to see it all be undone.

That’s why I highly recommend you…

Stock Up On FloraThin Right Now, While We Have It In Stock

Especially since I’m going to show you how you can secure an extra supply of FloraThin… for what is truly the lowest price you’ll ever see

And to put it into context: the average price for a cup of coffee at starbucks is $4.98. And millions of people pay that every day… for just a little more zip and energy.

Yet right now, if you stock up with one of our bigger packages, you can secure a daily dose of FloraThin for basically one fifth of that.

It comes out to just about a dollar a day… to make sure that you enjoy your new body for the months and years to come… and start to feel like you have your life back… your energy and your health…


There’s just no cup of coffee in the world that can make you look and feel like FloraThin, and that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you.

So right now and only on this page, for first-time customers only, you have the opportunity to stock up on more bottles of FloraThin, for our lowest price you’ll ever see.

You’ll Never See Prices This Low Again

…simply because it’s not something that we can afford to offer regularly. 

But I wanted to offer it to you now, for two reasons…

  1. 1. You just invested in FloraThin, so I know you’re serious about fixing your gut, and your life.

  2. 2. More and more research keeps coming out showing that, in order to get the best results, it makes the most sense to keep taking these strains regularly.

So I feel like we have a moral obligation to make it as easy and affordable for people to do this as much as possible… even if it means we’re practically giving away these bottles of FloraThin, not making any kind of profit. 

And the person who benefits the most from this is you

So to take advantage of this one-time-only offer, and secure your own extended supply of FloraThin, at a price you’ll never see again, just scroll down to the bottom of this page, and choose your one-time upgrade package.


Once you do that… 

Our team in the warehouse will add these additional bottles of FloraThin to your order, and then get it shipped out to you right away. 

Also, you should know that when you add this upgrade today…

You’re Also Covered By Our One-Year Guarantee

So if for any reason at all you start taking FloraThin and decide that it’s not for you… it’s no problem at all. You’ll receive a full refund. 

Now, very few people end up asking for refunds… 

Especially once they’ve experienced first-hand what a truly remarkable difference FloraThin makes in their lives.

But still, because these extra bottles will last you for a while, I believe it’s only fair we give you that full year so you can decide if you’re happy with your investment. 

That way you’re not rushed at all, and you get to try it out with zero risk

Because if you are one of the small number of people who decides it’s not a good fit for you, then you get all your money back… 

No questions asked and no hassles. 

And here’s something important to know:

We Just Produced A Fresh Supply of FloraThin

…and thanks to our state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, the shelf-life on this formula is two years long.


So between that fact, and our one-year guarantee, you should feel completely safe to stock up now, for the lowest price you’ll ever see.

It’s less than a cheap cup of coffee, every day, to get back your body, your freedom to eat what you want, and your life.

I seriously can’t even believe we’re doing this, but our finance manager said that this is the absolute lowest we can sell these bottles, without losing money… so we are, and this is your chance.

So go ahead and scroll down on this page now to pick your upgrade package.

Select the package you want, and the extra bottles will automatically be added to your order right now. 

So now, the ball’s in your court and it’s up to you. 

The last thing I’m going to say is that if you decide to pass up this offer, and you decide to get more FloraThin later… 

You’re going to be stuck with going to our website and paying $70 or more per bottle

That’s nearly double what you can get it for right now. 

So not only are you saving money right now, but you’re completely protected by our guarantee… and the decision is yours to make. 

If you’re ready to make possibly one of the best decisions ever made when it comes to your health and your life, then just scroll down and pick your upgrade package now.

So thank you for being with me here…, and I can’t wait to hear from you about your new life after using FloraThin.

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